ICICI Pru Savings Fund: Unlock Steady Growth with Low-Risk

What is the ICICI Pru Savings Fund?

An unlimited debt program, the ICICI Pru Savings Fund, is mostly invested in money market instruments and debt securities with a maximum one-year duration. The aim is to offer regular earnings at little risk through the buying of quality short-term fixed-income things.

Why Choose ICICI Pru Savings Fund?

  • Low Risk: The fund invests in highly liquid and low-risk instruments, making it suitable for conservative investors seeking capital preservation.
  • Regular Income: The fund aims to generate regular income through investments in fixed-income securities.
  • Flexibility: Investors can easily switch between growth and dividend options, allowing them to tailor the fund to their investment goals.
  • Liquidity: The open-ended structure of the fund allows investors to enter or exit at any time, providing high liquidity.

Key Features

  • Fund Type: Debt (Low Duration)
  • Risk Level: Moderate
  • Investment Objective: Generate income through debt and money market instruments
  • Assets Under Management (AUM): ₹19,172 Cr
  • Exit Load: None (no charges for redemption)
  • Minimum Investment: ₹100
  • Minimum SIP Investment: ₹100
  • Taxation:
    • Investment after April 1, 2023: Taxed based on applicable slab rate
    • Investment before April 1, 2023:
      • Sold within 3 years: Taxed based on applicable slab rate
      • Sold after 3 years: Taxed at 20% with indexation benefit

Investment Objective and Strategy

The principal aim of the ICICI Pru Savings Fund is to produce returns using investments in debt and money market instruments, all the while retaining an important level of security as well as liquidity.

The fund has a cautious strategy for investing, targeting government-issued short-term debt instruments of high quality, public sector attempts, and well-known business organizations. It seeks to achieve a balance between preserving money and stable return generation.

Investment Strategy

The fund makes investments in a variety of money markets and debt products with different dates. It promises to produce returns that are somewhat higher than those of bank accounts or short-term fixed deposits. There’s very little chance of losing money, but there’s no promise of profits.

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Performance Overview

Historical Returns

YearReturns (%)
Performance Overview of ICICI Pru Savings Fund

Portfolio Composition

Asset ClassAllocation (%)
Debt Securities80
Money Market Instruments20
Portfolio Composition of ICICI Pru Savings Fund

How to Invest in ICICI Pru Savings Fund?

Investing in ICICI Pru Savings Fund is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open an Account: Start by opening an account with ICICI Prudential or through a mutual fund distributor.
  2. Complete KYC: Ensure your KYC (Know Your Customer) details are updated.
  3. Choose Investment Mode: Decide between a lump-sum investment or a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP).
  4. Make Payment: Transfer the investment amount online or via cheque.
  5. Track Your Investment: Monitor your fund’s performance regularly through statements or the ICICI Prudential portal.

Tips for Maximizing Returns

  1. Diversify Your Portfolio: Don’t put all your money in one fund. Diversify across different asset classes.
  2. Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on the fund’s performance and market trends.
  3. Stay Invested: For debt funds like ICICI Pru Savings Fund, staying invested for at least 3-5 years can yield better returns.
  4. Reinvest Dividends: If you don’t need immediate income, opt for growth options where dividends are reinvested.

FAQs about ICICI Pru Savings Fund

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount for ICICI Pru Savings Fund varies based on the mode of investment. For SIP, it can be as low as ₹100 per month.

What are the exit loads?

ICICI Pru Savings Fund may have an exit load of up to 1% if redeemed within a specified period, usually up to one year.

How is the fund’s performance tracked?

The performance of the fund can be tracked through the ICICI Prudential website, financial news portals, and monthly statements provided to investors.

Is ICICI Pru Savings Fund suitable for long-term investment?

Yes, this fund is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment goals, depending on your risk appetite and financial objectives.

How can I redeem my investment?

Redemption can be done online through the ICICI Prudential portal or by submitting a physical redemption form at any ICICI branch or distributor.


A safe investment choice for people looking for consistent earnings at lower risk is the ICICI Pru Savings Fund. For careful investors, its excellent performance, tax productivity, and flexibility make it a desirable option. You can maximize the return on your investment in this fund by paying attention to the advice and learning the main points.

For more detailed information and to start investing, visit the ICICI Prudential website or consult with your financial advisor.

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